Damien Leones Terrifier franchise progressed its ongoing narrative with Terrifier 3, and in the process moved closer to what could be a perfect, yet divisive conclusion. The original Terrifier featured the clown as a twisted, yet human serial killer who transformed into something even more inherently evil after Art was possessed by a demon. Terrifier 2 introduced Arts archnemesis in Sienna Shaw, the teenage girl whose father had a mysterious connection to Art and who appeared to be capable of stopping Art thanks to her fathers magic sword.Both Art and Sienna have proven hard to kill, as they have battled each other on two separate occasions with neither of them dying permanently despite seemingly fatal wounds (or in Arts case, a full decapitation). Each has grown more powerful with each battle, and the end of Terrifier 3 puts both of them on a supernatural path to Hell itself. Their ongoing story of the ultimate good vs. the ultimate evil is hurtling towards a shocking and perfect ending, but if it comes to fruition, it will leave fans of the franchise divided.